Things ZERO Lab Students Ought to Know

1. It is YOU who are responsible for your graduation. Prof. Zhouchen Lin, as your supervisor, only helps you to achieve your goal. So you have to be self-motivated and don't blame me if you cannot get your degree.

2. You have the obligation to keep the secrets of the on-going research at ZERO Lab.

3. You can work anywhere. The seats in 2221 are not fixed for some students. They are for frequent comers only.

4. Unlike other professors, Prof. Lin does not require you to work xxx hours a day or a week, but you have to keep yourself in good conditions (e.g., have regular physical exercise and good personal relationship) so that you can work hard if needed.

5. Once you have a good idea or a solution, you should realize it as soon as possible, rather than working in a normal pace. Working overnight may be necessary. Otherwise, you will never see the final result or won't be excited when it is ready. Even worse, others may publish before you.

6. You may ask me for anything you want, except the answers to research problems (which I usually don't know) and the certificate of your degree (which I don't have the authority).

7. Although you have enormous freedom in ZERO lab, you must not misuse it for stuffs unrelated to your assigned work. Especially, you must not be an intern of a company without the consent of Prof. Lin. If you are not Prof. Lin's official student, violating this rule means that you leave ZERO lab automatically.

8. Do not give Prof. Lin presents! Prof. Lin only accepts low-value presents from graduated students.

9. When submitting papers to conferences or journals, please read the author guideline first. Don't take things for granted. Especially, the author list of a conference paper must be finalized before the deadline of abstract or paper submission.

10. Prof. Lin discourages co-first-authorship. If the to-be co-first-authors do have equal contributions, please tell Prof. Lin. He will judge it.

11. When presenting papers, papers with mathematical deductions or proofs are preferred. For application oriented students, math should occupy at least 5% of the pages, and for theoretical oriented ones, math should occupy at least 30%.

12. Some materials for paper/thesis writing:

a. How to have a successful graduate life?

b. How to write good papers;

c. Check List before Handing in Your Paper;

d. How to Write Good Responses to Reviews of Journal Papers;

e. Check List before Handing in Your Chinese Thesis;

f. Key Elements for a Good Presentation.